Thursday, October 4, 2007


“Unfortunately, governments often enact policies that interfere with capitalism without understanding their economic consequences” (Why Capitalism Works, Russell S. Sobel and Peter T. Leeson)

I then find this statement posted on a web site of a currently serving legislator.
“Free market disciples tell us that free markets work best. But they fail to finish the sentence. The economists’ those free marketers are so fond of misquoting more accurately said, “Free markets work best when government regulates them to prevent excess”.

We ask why West Virginia is constantly ranked as most unfavorable to business development and the answers are advertised by our legislators with these statements.
If we have identified the problem, our legislators, the solution is evident the citizens must vote for change!
We talk of change but have shown the lack of courage to venture into the future, recall your wishes for your children and grandchildren. Make the necessary changes to leave our state a better place for them. Change from the thinking of the past 80 eighty years, will free you and I.