Sunday, August 9, 2009

A new Direction !

New direction is uncomfortable, many of us are settled in our niche and have made our personal lives as we believe comfortable.Only those with vision for the benefit for all are willing to move out of the mainstream and begin the movement in that new direction.

So many have made statements for change but are unwilling to suffer the pain of the work and sometimes the criticism of those opposed to that reform.It has become common knowledge that West Virginia needs to abandon the government of the past, you only need to listen to the voices from all directions.

Where are those that will brave the voices of opposition and criticism to begin the labor for that new direction? I hear those that lend their voice of opposition with out offering the required effort to move past the vocal.Step forward, speak out, volunteer, contribute, and offer your assets for the required transformation to take West Virginia in that New Direction!

1 comment:

Fred Joseph said...

The culture or husbandry of marine organisms by any person. Storage or any other form of impounding or holding of wild marine organisms, without more, shall not qualify as aquaculture. In order to qualify as aquaculture a project must involve affirmative action by the lessee to improve the growth rate or quality of the marine organism.